Object ID
Object Name
Handbill, Political
Date Created
Object Entities
Angelides, Phil (is related to)
Object Description
A four page booklet put out by the campaign of Phil Angelides to explain what he has accomplished before his 1992 run for State Democratic Party Chair as well as what he stands for and what he hopes to accomplish. The booklet is filled with photos as well as graphic elements in a common color scheme of blue and yellow
Phillip Nicholas "Phil" Angelides (born June 12, 1953) is an American politician who was California State Treasurer and the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for Governor of California in the 2006 elections. Angelides served as the Chair of the Apollo Alliance and of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.
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Handbill, Political, 1992, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10598. Accessed 05/14/24.