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Object Description
Large balck and orange patch. The patch has three different shapes that sre put together to create the whole image. The center is created by a six and a half inch circle. The background is it is black and it has a thin orange edge. Within the circle there are seven sets of groups of four orange rectangularish shapes that run parallel together and are a little over two and a half inches long.

Coming off of two sides of the cirlce are two oval shapes. Thet two have a black background, they each are edged in a thin orange string, but there is also another outline that comes in about a half inch from the edge. About another half inch there is a half cricle stitching, also in orange. Set within the second linig and overlapping the last stitch and setting on the edge of the large middle circle is a larger orange design. It is an orange cirlce with black backgroung with a swirl of thicker orange stitching in the middle. Coming off of the cirlce are sets of orange, leaf like images: four of them are in sets of two, while the fith on the top has three leaves in its bunch.

Sitting behind the area where the middle circle and the side ovals meet are two rectangular shapes. Like the ones before it has a black background and is boarded in an orange stitch. Coming a half inch from the edge there is another orange stitch, same shape as the edge. Within the second boarder there are the same recatangular shapes like those in the very center of the patch. There are four in each corner and they connect from the inner boarder to the edge of the large center circle.

The back side is black and shows the orange edging of the front side. The edges have the fold of the fabric and the stitches to hold them down.
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Patch, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10661. Accessed 05/21/24.