Object ID
Object Name
Date Created
Oil Paint
Canvas; Wood
Object Entities
John David Rowland, and (is related to)
Object Description
Framed portrait of baby Jesus and Mary. The frame itself has been painted gold, due to some ware to the frame, there are a few spots that you can see the original wood beneath it. The picture has much paint chipping, mainly on the outer corners. The background appears to be all black, but where the chipping is it shows a dark brown shade. In the very center is the images of Mary and baby Jesus. Baby Jesus is sitting in her lap and facing towards her. He is nude, but it looks like there is presence of a blanket near his hips/buttox. His right arm is reaching slightly outward and resting on Mary's breast, the other arm is out of sight. The left of his fase is in shadow or slighlty coverd by Mary's, but what is shown is slightly tilted upwards as if he is gazing into his mothers eyes. He has very short but curly hair that appears to be in a brown shade, with some accent shades of blonde. Mary seems to be in a seated postion, however her lower body is not shown. Her dress is in a cream with a small gold hint to hit, long sleeved and looks to be tighter between the wrist and elbow than the rest of her arm. Her tunic is barily visible, but does seem to be there and is just a few shades lighter than the background. She is wearing a hood, but only the part that is on the top of her head can be seen and it is the a shade lighter than her dress. Her hair is long and looks to have a slight red tone to it. She has a very pointed chin and straight nose; slight rednness to her cheeks and nose. She has a small grin to her smile and her gaze is very slightly turned up and outwards.
The back of the frame is a light wood color. The portion that holds the picture is raise about a half an inch. Looks like there would have been a paper covering over but most of it has pealed away other than the part boarding the photo back. Within that raise portion, the picture itself is placed in about half way down. Backed by cardboard and there are eight nails put to hold the cardboard in place; one of the nails on the bottom side is missing. Some water marks on the cardboard. Two silver loops placed in the frame which is connected by a thin wire cord which is used to hook the frame to a wall.
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Icon, 1800s, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10664. Accessed 05/01/24.