Object ID
Object Name
Date Created
Object Entities
Anagnost, Catherine (is related to)
Anagnost, (is related to)
Object Description
Certificate, documentary, Black/grayscale text printed on thick tan parchment paper. Heading reads "Supreme Court of the United States of America", underneath the heading is an illustration of a winged angel like being holding the US Constitution, a personification of Justice as a woman holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other, and an eagle snading next to a stack of books. Below the illustration is a body of text containing the details of the certificate. The certificate is for Catherine Anagnost, stating she is admitted and qualified as an Attorney and Counsellor of the United States Supreme Court, on August 30th in 1960. The document, however, lacks a signature
Possibly Catherine Cook Anagnost, who ran for positions of alderman and judge serveral times in the 60s and 70s, and unsuccessfully as the Illnois Republican candidate for Supreme Court in 1980
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Certificate, 1960, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10703. Accessed 05/16/24.