Object ID
Object Name
Pillars of a Nation
Object Entities
Daly, Jim (created by)
Daly, Jim (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Art print, 1507/20,000 framed art print. Title: Pillars of a Nation Print of a painting featuring newly arrived immigrants gathered in the great hall at Ellis Island, New York. There are men, women and children, the men wearing mostly suits, and the women are wearing more tradional clothing from their homelands such as headscarves and fringed shawls. One man, who is one of the main subjects in the painting, has a number pinned to his suit. There are crowds of people sitting on benches or standing, with luggage. Some are talking to others, some are looking hopeful, others withdrawn and nervous. On the wall in the far back is an American flag, seeming to hover over the crowd.
from private Americana prints collection on loan by the late Andrew T. Kopan (1924-2006) and Alice O. Kopan
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Print, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10717. Accessed 05/15/24.