Object ID
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Object Description
Greek doll (male) wearing traditional shepherd's clothing. The face is plastic and painted, with blue eyes, brown eyebrows, reddish cheeks, pink nostrils and mouth. The doll has gold-blond hair and a mustache. The doll has a wooden staff, with a long thin rod of wood with a carved top. The staff is attached to the doll's plastic hand with a tiny nail. The doll wears an off-white hooded cloak, made out of felt. There is black trim along the edges, as well as slits on either side for the arms to go through. Under the cloak, the doll wears a black felt shirt with black trim, the same as the trip on the cape, with an off-white linen collar. He has a red fabric ribbon belt. He has a linen, pleated fustanella, off-white. He wears soft off white leggings on his legs, tied just above the knee with thread. His shoes are black, with a ball on the toes of each toe, known as "Tsarouhia"

The doll is missing hair on the top of his head, unknown whether it is damage or meant to be a tonsure.
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Doll, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10725. Accessed 05/16/24.