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Object Description
Cream colored print with a woman wearing a pink headscarf with an orange embellishment, earrings, a blue dress with a multicolored dress over the chest (orange, white, green, blue, gold), underneath this blue dress is a longer white dress with blue and purple detailing at the bottom hem. She also wears a multicolored apron (orange, yellow, blue, green, white, purple) over the blue dress and a multicolored striped sash (purple, red, orange, white). She wears white tights and blue shoes. Her expression is placid and she has her hands on her hips. Underneath her feet in Greek is an identification of her region, "Thrace."
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Photograph, 1981, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/11494. Accessed 05/14/24.