Object ID
Object Name
Puppet, Shadow
Date Created
Mary Jane Crotty
22 1/2 in H x 9 1/2 in W
Acrylic Paint
Object Entities
Object Description
Blue, white, red, beige, yellow, and black shadow puppet character. There is a masculine side of the puppet and a feminine side of the puppet that has orange nail polish and accentuated eye lashes.
This Karagiozis character is Barba Yorgos (Μπάρμπα Γιώργος, "Uncle George"), he represents a rustic from the mountains of Rumeli, depicted as a shepherd or dairy farmer, usually on some business related to visiting the lowlands; he is sturdily built and wears the traditional fustanella kilted outfit. Even though he understands his nephew to be a crook, he sometimes helps him out and beats all the opponents black and blue with his staff.

More information about Karaghiozis: https://greekreporter.com/2022/07/23/karagiozis-puppet-greece-greekhistory/
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Puppet, Shadow, 1985, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/13195. Accessed 05/16/24.