Object ID
Object Name
Object Collection
Date Created
October 26, 1904, 1907
Object Entities
Manos, Victoria (is related to)
Hart, Anthe (is related to)
Object Description
Sepia photograph. The photograph is the wedding portrait of a couple. The women are dressed in their white gowns and are both sitting in chairs in the middle of the picture. The woman on the left has a bouquet of flowers sitting in her lap, and her hands are rested on her lap. She is the bride and the other woman on the right is her bridesmaid, she has one arm resting on the chair's arm rest and the other on her lap. Both men are standing to the side of their wives. They are wearing suits with a flower on the lapel and a napkin in their jackets.
Donated by Victoria Dalber Manos and Anthe Dalber Hart. The photograph is the wedding portrait of Mr. & Mrs. Zacharias Carellas. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dalber (Dialberakis) were the koumbari for the Carellas's. Their wedding was on October 26, 1904.
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Photograph, October 26, 1904, 1907, Victoria and Anthe's Collection, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/3284. Accessed 05/04/24.