Object ID
Object Name
Object Entities
Kopan, Andrew (is related to)
Object Description
Exterior scene. Picnic. Sepia photograph. A large group of people including men, women, and children of all different ages are gathered outdoors. There are two long tables. The table on the left-hand side has all men sitting at it, the one on the right-hand side has all women and children. Some are seated, one man is standing posed with his foot raised on a chair rung, with a bottle in his hand. In front of the women's table, there is one women standing with an infant in her arm, with a bottle in her hand. Next to her are two small girls. There is a variety of food and beverages both on the table and on platters in people's hands. There is a body of water on the left-hand side, possibly a lake or a pond. There are trees in the background as well as the side of a building with wood panel siding.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/3366. Accessed 05/02/24.