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Object Description
A black and white formal portrait of three men, a woman, and three children. Two of the men are standing in the back row, wearing dark suits, and patterned ties. The other man and the woman are sitting in front of them. The woman is wearing a dark polka dotted dress, and holds the baby on her lap. The pan sitting next to her has a pin-stripped suit on. The little boy stands to the left of his mother, and the little girl stands directly in front of her father. The background is a painted floral tapestry.
Photographs donated by Constantinos Lukis, who owns a shoe repair shop in Hyde Park. This photograph is a family photo of extended family, his mother, father, and two siblings.
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Photograph, 1912, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4266. Accessed 05/14/24.