Object ID
Object Name
Object Collection
Coula's Collection (is part of)
Date Created
Object Description
Outdoor black and white photograph of a group of women lined up in front of a brick building.  There is a single double-hung window with white painted trim to the right and well above their heads.  The women are lined up to form three rows; the 12 women in the back row are standing, the 9 in the middle row are seated, and the 5 women in the front row are all seated on the ground.  In the front row, seated on the ground to the far right, there is a woman embracing a young child sitting next to her.  Most of the women have dark hair and fair complexions, some of the women have gray hair.  All of them are wearing long skirts or dresses and most have a light-colored rectangular award ribbon pinned on their left shoulder.
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Photograph, 1930s, Coula's Collection, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4426. Accessed 05/06/24.