Object ID
Object Name
Paper, Photographic
Object Collection
Photo Paper
Object Entities
Karides, G.P. (created by)
Calas, Andrew (is related to)
Karides, G.P. (created by)
Object Description
A black and white photo of Andrew Calas standing next to another man sittting in a chair. Both of them are in black suits and have their hair slicked back. The man in the suit is wearing a pin in his lapel, a wedding ring, and a dark tie. The chair he is sitting in has a woven look, either of thin metal or wicker. Andrew stands on the right with his right hand on the mans shoulder. He has two rings on his smallest fingers but no wedding ring. He is wearing a pocket watch on a chain and a tie so thin, it is possible to see through it to his white shirt. He is standing in front of a table with a plant. Both men are not smiling. The back of the picture says "Post Card," and has a spot for a stamp in the corner.
These photographs were donated by Candi, Kurt and Craig Calas. The man in the right of the picture is Andrew Calas. The picture was taken before 1926 when Andrew got married to his wife Chrisanthe, as he has no wedding ring and was in Wisconsin still, not Chicago.
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Paper, Photographic, The Calas Family Photograph Collection, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4481. Accessed 05/15/24.