
Object ID
Object Name
Object Collection
Coula's Collection (is part of)
Date Created
1923, 1923
Object Entities
Papadatos, Coula (is related to)
Object Description
Black and white photograph of a group of men and women standing on a stage.  An awning with vertical stripes hangs overhead and subjects are lined up in groups of four and are fanned out in a semi-circle from one side of the stage to the other.  The stage backdrop appears to be an interior room with light colored, unadorned walls and two faux windows with long dark drapes flanking what looks like a large rectangular door or opening. 

The women all have dark hair and are wearing it short, curly and bobbed.  Most are wearing the flapper headband while the one in nearest the center is wearing a wide brimmed hat.  They are all wearing dresses about ankle length or slightly above, some with a dropped waist.  Almost all of the women are wearing a heeled "Mary-Jane" style shoe with a strap and buckle that reaches across the arch of the foot.

Most of the men are wearing dark colored suits, white shirts and newsboy caps with a few exceptions.  In the center group, there is a tall thin man in the middle wearing a suit and tie, a large faux moustache and a top hat.  To the left of him, the man is wearing a fez, white shirt with dark vest, dark-colored long silky ankle-length bloomers with a wide silk sash for a belt.  To the right of the man with the top hat, there is a man dressed in casual dark shirt and matching pants while wearing either a straw farmer's hat or light colored cowboy hat.

Hand-writing in Greek cursive with white ink is visible beneath the cast members.   At the very bottom of the photo you can see two rows of theater chairs extending from one side of the photograph to the other. 
Donated by Coula Papadatos. Photo is cira 1923.
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Photograph, 1923, 1923, Coula's Collection, National Hellenic Museum, Accessed 05/06/24.