Object ID
Object Name
Date Created
World War I
Object Entities
Vasilopulos, Peter (is related to)
Vasils, Theodora (is related to)
Object Description
The post card has a photograph on the front of a man in military wear from World War I. He is turned at an angle with his body facing to his left while his gaze is directed out at the viewer. In his right hand he holds a rifle. He is wearing a hat and backpack as well as a traditional army uniform. Behind him is a tent on the left side of the photograph. In the distance more rows of tents can be seen on the right. A tree with only branches stands behind him. The reverse side of the photograph is in a postcard layout with the man's name at the top with the year. The man's company, infantry, and division is listed on the right. In the top right corner is a place to apply a stamp. There is no handwritting in the correspondence on the left side.
The man in the photograph is the donor's father during World War I. Co. A. 58th infantry 4th division.
Rights and Reproduction
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Postcard, 1918, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4669. Accessed 05/04/24.