Object ID
Object Name
Date Created
1939 – 1945
"In Memory of Tom Peters" or "Bertha Roubos" or "Batallion Chief Andrews Petrakis"
Object Description
Printed photograph of Tom Peters, donors uncle. Taken in his mid to late twenties. He is in his formal naval uniform: visor cap with naval insignia, button down wool jacket with aviator insignia on the left breast, tie and collared shirt. Photograph is taken from the chest up and is in black and white.
Donated by Betty Petrakis Raethz. Photograph is of her uncle Tom Peters who was born in 1919 and passed in 1982. He was a naval bomber pilot in WWII with the nickname "Greek". Due to other belongings of Tom's we can tell that he was a lieutenant, however the specific rank is unknown since the coloring of his insignias have faded.
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Photograph, 1939 – 1945, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4707. Accessed 05/04/24.