Object ID
Object Name
Photo Paper
Object Description
Black and white landscape oriented photograph. Photo is of a room full of people, almost entirely women. There are two men towards the back wall, both dressed in priests' cassocks. The room is a small dining hall, and is filled with long banquest tables dressed up with white tablecloths, silverware and candles. On the ceiling there are two ornate light fixtures. The walls are decorated with murals of the Parthenon, and stylized ships. There are a few mirrors on the walls as well. There appear to be two aisles of long tables, and one head table at the front
Apparently donated by Harry Mark Petrakis, as indicated by the name on the stamped text on the back of the photograph. However no record can be found of the donor donating these photos, or what accession they belong to if any. Therefore object has been assigned an F number
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4775. Accessed 05/19/24.