Object ID
Object Name
Object Entities
Thodos, George (is related to)
Thodos, Dianne (is related to)
Sotos, Dianne (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Photograph of two men, Mrs. Dianne Nichols Sotos Thodos, and George Thodos. They are standing inside a building in front of a sign that says: "Welcome", has a picture of the South Korean flag and the American flag, then the names Dr. G. Thodos, Mrs. Thodos, Dr. T.C. Kim, Mrs. Kim. At the bottom of the sign is the samsung logo and text written in Korean. In the background is a beige wall, a plant, and a blue panelled wall. They stand on a black and white tile floor.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4783. Accessed 05/02/24.