Object ID
Object Name
Object Entities
Thodos, George (is related to)
Thodos, Amphie (is related to)
Thodos, Jimmy (is related to)
Thodos, Harry (is related to)
Thodos, Efroseni (is related to)
Dravelos, Nick (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Black and white photograph of the Thodos family around a Thanksgiving feast table with a large turkey at the center of the table. There are 12 people at the table at the left are Amphie Thodos, George Thodos, Efroseni Thodos, and Harry Thodos and Jimmy Thodos, then the Dravelos family. In the background is a china cabinet and a hallway at the top left corner. Printed on cardstock.
This was taken at George's Uncle Nick Dravelos' house (photo labels Nick Dravelos "a photographer", but it is unclear whether it is meant that he is the photographer for this shot, or was a photographer for a living or hobby).

Although President Lincoln originallty established Thanksgiving in 1863, President FDR established the modern holdiday in 1944.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4794. Accessed 05/02/24.