Object ID
Object Name
Estate of James W. and Despina Topitzes
Object Description
A black-and-white photographic print. A group of people, mostly children, are sitting or standing in four rows in front of a brick wall in front of the entrance to a building. The youngest children are sitting in front and the oldest are standing in the back. Several adults, eight women, and one man, are sitting in the middle of the second row. There is also another row of children sitting on top of the wall, with five adult men standing behind them. Everyone is dressed nicely. Written on the back of the print is the following: Milwaukee, circa 1940 G. O. Church of Annunciation w/ Topitzes family in Sunday School.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4905. Accessed 05/15/24.