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Object Description
Black and white photo taken of the interior of a church, presumably SS Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church. There is a pulpit in the middle of the photo, with a book displayed on it and a microphone beside it. Behind the pulpit. there is a seat with three arches and crosses on top of each arch. Behind these seats, a painting can be seen with angles and men gathered around a glowing figure in the middle. On the right side of the picture, there is a railing and a seat with two winged birds on the arms. Above the birds, there are pillars which are holding up a small dome. There is a cross on the top of the domw, as well as on top of the pillars. The back of the seat has a man with crosses on his robes holding a book. On the left side of the photograph, there is a picture of an angel with two smaller round pictures above her. The picture is on a black piece of paper that has faded to a brownish color.
The Greek Orthodox Church is governed by a council of Bishops, called the Holy Synod. They are known for their tradition of iconography, and their use of the Divine Liturgy on Sundays.

Helen was the mother of Constantine. They are credited with placing Christianity at the heart of Western civilization. Helen is noted for her piety while Constantine was an Emperor in the Roman Empire when Christianity was becoming the dominant religion.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/4975. Accessed 05/29/24.