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Black and white wedding photograph. The man is standing on the left wearing a black tuxedo with white shirt and white tie. The woman is wearing a white short sleeved dress with silver embroidery on the front. She has a veil-like train that reaches the ground. She is wearing white gloves that go up over her elbows, and two rings can be seen on her left hand outside of the glove. In her right hand she is holding a bouquet of flowers. She also has pearls around her neck. The background is blurred.
Black and white photograph of Pete Maduros and Alexandra Boukias Maduros. Pete arranged for Alexandra to come to America with her father in Elia, Greece—near Megalopoli. On the boat other passengers tried to fix her up with a Greek doctor— but she honored her father’s arrangement. Pete met Alexandra when she got off the boat in New York City and they were married before leaving for Kansas. This photograph was taken a few months later after they settled in Junction City and later, Manhattan, Kansas.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/5230. Accessed 05/10/24.