Object ID
Object Name
Object Entities
Russo, Marty (is related to)
Sam, (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Photograph of three men standing up. The man on the left is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a red, white, blue, and grey tie, as well as a red, white, and blue button and glasses. He is shaking hands with the man next to him who is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a red, blue, and grey tie. Next, is a man wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt and a dark blue and red tie. The top left of the photo is signed "To Sam, Thanks! Marty" in golden colored pen.
Marty Russo was a Democratic politician and lobbyist.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/5236. Accessed 05/15/24.