Object ID
Object Name
Object Entities
Kirkland, Wallace (created by)
Addams, Jane (is related to)
Kirkland, Wallace (is related to)
Object Description
Black and white photograph of a boy looking into a storefront. The store holds stacks of round loaves of bread and has a line of empty, glass coca cola bottles being used as candle holders in the very front. The boy is dressed in a white button down shit which is tucked into dark trousers (these are either dirty or the way the camera picked up light makes the color look uneven). He carries a box on his back by a strap around one shoulder. He looks into the store wistfully.
Labels on the back of this photo identify it as having been in the Jane Addams Memorial Collection as a part of the Wallace Kirkland Papers from the University of Illinois at Chicago Library. When the university moved to Halsted St. It displaced the Greektown Delta and forced most of the Hull House to close. Wallace Kirkland was the director of the Hull House Boys Club. Around 1935 Kirkland was introduced to photography and began to document his environment. Perhaps the boy in this photo was on of the members of the Hull House Boys Club. Shortly after this Kirkland was hired by Life magazine as a photographer and spent the next 30 years photographing the world.

The photo was found in a folder lebeled "Greeks of Chicago" but otherwise there is no proof that it is culturally significant. Mosy likely the photo was taken in the old Greektown of a Greek-American boy in Kirkland's Hull House Boys Club.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/5541. Accessed 05/01/24.