Object ID
Object Name
Vase, Temple
Clay; Stone
Object Entities
Theodore, Ted (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Small two-handed vessle, low releif image on both sides of a figure with arms open and crosses, one side significantly less defined. A greyish corosion or build up all over, especially on one side. Donated in green case and black zip up bag.
The vessel closely resembles that of Greek Aryballos. Small vessels like this one were generally used to hold perfume or other oils. In most cases, the Aryballos were in the shape of a sphere with a round belly or in a ring shape with a whole through the center. This particular vessel contains an image on either side on a flat surface.
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Vase, Temple, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/6356. Accessed 05/12/24.