Object ID
Object Name
5.3975 cm. H x 4.1275 cm. W x 6.985 cm. L Length was measured with hose straightened, but its normal state is folded in half. Width and height are the widest and tallest parts., Item (Overall)
Glass; Metal; Rubber
Object Entities
Object Description
A hose and valve. The hose is made of thick, red rubber and has pieces of metal (likely brass or copper) around each end. Attached to one end is a rounded piece of metal with internal screw threads. The other end is screwed into one side of a thick, hexagonal nut. Screwed into the top of the bold is a small metal cylinder with a hole in the top. Screwed into another side of the nut is a gauge. The gauge is made of metal, with glass over the face. The face of the gauge is white with black letters. The numbers on the gauge are at intervals of 30, starting at 0 and going to 300. The part from 180 to 300 is colored red. The dial is metal. Text above the dial says "Automatic Cream Whipper" and the text below says "Chicago, ILL". Below this are two small studs and below that are the words "Jas. P. Marsh Corporation Chicago". Around the bottom of the face are the words "Construction Patens Inside - Made In U.S.A." The gauge itself has a small screw on either side, which appear to hold the top of the gauge in place. There is a larger screw on back of the gauge. It appears that the gauge was originally painted black, but much of the paint has come off.
This item was apparently used for making whipped cream. It is likely that there were at least two other components, on attached to the open end of the hose, and one attached to the hole in the metal cylinder. It is unknown where the item was used.
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Valve, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/6908. Accessed 05/06/24.