Object ID
Object Name
Pitcher, Water
Object Collection
Object Entities
Lucas, (created by)
Gravenites, Helen (owned by)
Gravenites, Helen (is related to)
Object Description
Replica of a decorative pitcher, oinochoe, for wine or water. The neck and handle have a brown base that is covered over by yellow, black, and orange paint depicting harpies, swans, and roosters on the rounded body of the vase. The top of this figural band is bordered with a repeated wave motif while the bottom has a ring of pointed triangles. The writing on the bottom identifies the vase as an authentic reproduction of a 600 BCE vase and that it is from the Korinthian Museum where it was hand made and painted in Greece by "Lucas."
This vase is a reproduction from the Korinthian Museum. It was designed as a replica of a vase c.a. 600 BCE and was most likely displayed in the museum or sold in the gift shop. This vase mixes representation of mythical and real animals that is characteristic of th time. Helen Gravenites owned and donated the item.
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Pitcher, Water, Education Collection, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/7261. Accessed 05/15/24.