Object ID
Object Name
Folder, File
29.3700200000 cm. W x 22.5425 cm. L, Item (Overall)
Object Entities
Ladis, Christ (owned by)
Hamal, Hrisoula (is related to)
Ladis, Christ (is related to)
Object Description
Tri-fold document holder of black leather, light brown interior. There is a line going across the top of the inside. It has a one inch black border around all of the edges. There are pink spots on the front.
Christ Ladis immigrated to Chicago from Turkey at a houng age and lived in Canaryville. He worked at McInerney's Funeral Home from age 17 until retirement. He was known for being a helpful neighbor. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army in 1919 and became a naturalized citizen in 1918. He was born in Turkey in 1894. His mother was Harriet Ladis.
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Folder, File, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/7585. Accessed 05/14/24.