Object ID
Object Name
Bow, Violin
Leather; Wood
Object Entities
Object Description
The wood part of the bow is a light color with some dark markings on it and has wood lacquer on it. The top comes to a point and then the wood is curved down to where the strings are attached. The strings are white and made of horse hair. The strings run down to the bottom where it is connected to the wood by black leather, the area where you hold the bow.
Konstantinos Adamidis was born in Tiltis, Greece and met Alexandra, who was born in Istanbul, in Greece. The two married once they moved to the United States. Konstantinos made custom furniture and the instrument, both of which he sold in large quantities. The instrument is a Pondian instrument that he made by hand but he did not know how to play it. Konstantinos died on July 30, 2007.
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Bow, Violin, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/8834. Accessed 05/03/24.