Object ID
Object Name
Amplifier, Audio
Date Created
circa 1969
Metal; Plastic; Wood
Object Description
Scott 382-C Solid State Stereo Receiver was found in collections. The receiver has outputs for speakers and inputs for a record player and another audio device. The receiver has an AM/FM radio tuner. It has knobs to adjust for base, treble, balance, and loudness. There is a jack for headphones. There is a detachable dark wooden top and side cover. Does not turn on when plugged in.
Receiver often refers to a combination of a tuner, a preamplifier, and a power amplifier all on the same chassis. This allowed for an easier and economical home stero system.
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Amplifier, Audio, circa 1969, National Hellenic Museum, https://hellenic.whirlihost.com/Detail/objects/10165. Accessed 05/08/24.